F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter








Next meeting: September 8th, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


          I want to thank everyone who worked the Warren County Fair pulls, they were a long one this year but I think things went smoothly, our complaints were better diesel class clarification on the, and maybe taking a break in the night pulls. We had members offering to take spots and be relief help which made me feel good to see more people wanting to be involved.


          On the subject of work, if we have members wanting to be more involved than just showing up and wandering, get in touch with some of the officers, we have a lot of jobs to do around the grounds, and if you have children or family you want to spend time with during the show and are working I am confident with the people I’ve talked to we can find someone to take over for a bit, remember if you aren’t having fun it’s another job and you can get burnt out, let’s all work together and all have a good time


          Don’t forget about the Jumpstart Program, if you have a 14-18 year old who is working on a tractor just get a form from me and return it, our decision will be made before Oeders Lake so we need forms in sooner rather than later. The club is offering to pay 20% of the cost of the project up to $500, and all we need from the winner is to show up to a few meetings and bring the project (finished or not) to next years show


          Well due to circumstances beyond my control I missed my first meeting since taking the secretary job, given how this year has been though when we get the chance to work it’s hard to pass it up.


8/24-Club Picnic @ Oeders Lake, 4pm, Eat @ 5pm

8/31-9/1-Waynesville Airport Fly In, 8/31 10am display, Airshow @ 5pm

9/6-9/8- Cornfestival

9/12-9/15- Oeders Lake

Any questions contact one of our directors.

Russ Rolke 513-248-2501 or RCR@FUSE.NET

Mike Lumley 513-515-8613 or ihpapaw@yahoo.com

Larry Flynn (513)266-7413 or l.flynn60@yahoo.com

Dave Siebert, Treasurer, (937)603-4233 or davedenisesiebert@gmail.com

Roger Walker, Secretary, 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com